Contact us
Knowing where to start is the first step. Get in touch and let us help take your next step on the road of recovery.
Our hubs provide friendly environments where you can access information, connect with others, and find the support you need. See the details for our Hinckley Hub location below:
Location: Hope Community Church, Deveron Way, Hinckley, LE10 0XD
Meeting Time: First Monday of every month, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Details: Drop in for support, engage in conversation, build social connections, and access helpful resources.
Come Along – No Booking Required!
Our hubs are free to attend, and everyone is welcome. Whether you want to drop in for a chat, participate in activities, or just enjoy some company, our doors are always open.
You can get a reminder through facebook if you like our page it will notify you when the next event is coming up.
You can find our facebook events through this link.
If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to contact us.
Knowing where to start is the first step. Get in touch and let us help take your next step on the road of recovery.
There are lots of ways you can help us to deliver our services to those who need them most.
Learn more about In the Pink and lets answer some of your questions.
Cancer Active Recovery Support
Lavender House, 21 Pickering’s Avenue
Derbyshire. DE12 7SB
0300 365 1440
Registered Charity Number: 1201440