Contact us
Knowing where to start is the first step. Get in touch and let us help take your next step on the road of recovery.
If your business is fundraising for a good cause, why not make it for us? You’ll be supporting a charity that works on the ground across Leicestershire, Staffordshire, Derbyshire and Warwickshire to help people access an improved quality of life following cancer diagnosis, treatment and into recovery.
Whether it’s wearing pedometers for an office marathon, a friendly sports day on the park or a stair-climbing challenge – you could even use it to help promote the benefits of exercise to your own staff.
We’re passionate about keeping our services free, so that they are available to anyone whatever their financial circumstances and with your help, we can keep doing just that.
Why not talk to us on 0300 365 1440 to find out more?
We know that in business, the bottom line isn’t always the bottom line. A healthy workforce is essential to growth and staff retention.
One-in-eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime* – and one-in-six men will be treated for prostate cancer*.
With diagnoses occurring at younger ages, the chances are that someone in your workforce will be – or has been affected.
So if you would like to find out more about supporting your staff at a difficult time in their lives, national charity Working with Cancer has some great information.
Knowing where to start is the first step. Get in touch and let us help take your next step on the road of recovery.
There are lots of ways you can help us to deliver our services to those who need them most.
Learn more about In the Pink and lets answer some of your questions.
Cancer Active Recovery Support
Lavender House, 21 Pickering’s Avenue
Derbyshire. DE12 7SB
0300 365 1440
Registered Charity Number: 1201440